
菠菜网lol正规平台降至零 tabling on 7th street plaza

菠菜网lol正规平台 To Zero is an HIV advocacy project based at San José State University, engaging with students, staff, faculty, and community partners to promote HIV education and stigma reduction on campus.

We table throughout the semester and sponsor HIV educational programming for student organizations, classes, and for the campus community.


Untransmittable = Undetectable

  • HIV is Untransmittable if Undetectable in a person’s viral load 


  • 病毒载量 refers to the amount of HIV in a blood sample of a person living with HIV

Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)

  • The daily use of a combination of HIV drugs to suppress the virus

Undetectable 病毒载量

Undetectable means the amount of HIV in the blood is too low to be detected with a 病毒载量试验. Effective ART may reduce a person's viral load to an undetectable 水平. Undetectable does not mean the person is cured; they are still HIV positive, but they will not sexually transmit HIV to others.



准备 is an HIV prevention pill for people who have a higher risk of acquiring HIV. Taking 一个 准备 pill a day can lower your chances of getting HIV by over 99%. 这是 more effective than condoms.  


鼓舞士气的 is an HIV prevention pill that you take if you’re not already on 准备, and you think you’ve been exposed to HIV. Take 鼓舞士气的 within 3 days and reduce your risk of contracting 艾滋病毒感染率超过90%.  

如何获得PreP & 鼓舞士气的

  • The 菠菜网lol正规平台 Health Center prescribes both 准备 & 鼓舞士气的!
  • 准备IsLiberating.org
    Santa Clara County website provides directory of providers who prescribe PreP and 鼓舞士气的. Also find places to get free HIV testing!
  • Please准备Me.org
    搜索 准备 and 鼓舞士气的 providers in the greater Bay Area.
  • Santa Clara 准备 Navigator Line
    (408) 792-3750, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.



联络我们: sjsugettingtozero@gmail.com to schedule an educational event. We have 10 to 60 minute presentations that can fit a variety of educational event or program settings.

  • HIV Prevention 101 (30 minutes)
  • Breakthroughs in HIV Prevention and Treatment (60 minutes).
    (Designed for 100W science classes)
  • Many Faces of HIV in LGBTQ+ Communities (60 minutes)

Volunteer with 菠菜网lol正规平台降至零

成为一个n HIV peer health educator with 菠菜网lol正规平台降至零.  Peer health educators assist with outreach during tabling, conduct workshops, and connect with the community through our social media channels. We hold volunteer meetings twice a month for 1 hour. 加入我们的 邮件列表 and mark that you’re interested in volunteering to learn more.

These are all the valuable skills you can learn!

  • All about HIV of course!
  • How to do community outreach, learn how to give an effective elevator pitch
  • Creating social media messages to engage and educate the community
  • 促进工作坊
  • Manage a tabling event
  • 联系信息
  • 给我们发邮件 sjsugettingtozero@gmail.com.
  • Stay connected to everything we're doing, 加入我们的电邮名单!


  • 马特Capriotti, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
  • 邦妮Sugiyama, Director, 骄傲的中心 & 性别平等中心